There are plenty of reasons to be happy about 2021. Not only is it a new year, but the economy has been recovering and more jobs have been coming back. That being said, marketing your business in 2021 is a different game than before. Here are five ways you can do so!

1) Be more active on social media: One way to reach out to potential customers is by using social media like Facebook or Instagram. The key here is not to shove your product or services down everyone’s throats. Lead the conversation with value by being helpful and offering how-to’s, and solid information from your industry.

2) Marketing is hard and time-consuming. Consider finding an experienced Virtual Assistant that is specifically trained in marketing. This will take some of the pressure off and allow you to focus on what you do best and what’s most important for your company.

3) Create Content: Instead of writing blog posts that are just about sales, write content that’s helpful and inspiring. This can be done by creating videos or podcasts related to the industry as well as developing infographics.

4) Join local networking groups: It doesn’t matter if it’s an event at a cafe or sponsored and remember it’s all about the people you meet, not your products or services.

5) Network Online: Join online communities related to your industry. They’re a great way to get advice and learn about what’s happening in your industry. It can also be an awesome way to discover new trends as they are happening, getting you ahead of the curve instead of lagging behind.